Monday 21 April 2008

A new proper grown up blog! Wow I'm so adult now! (or...a quick introductory blog to explain what this is all about)

So, hello there! I've decided to shift my normal blog to a proper blogging website, moving it from the relatively childish home of social networking site "MySpace". Will the change of site alter the normally, illinformed, opinionated, self ritcheous, incorrectly spelt , rambling, pointless, meaningless, meandering, repetetive, opinionated, illinformed, rambling tripe I normally write?

In a word...


I'm back! Grumpier than ever. The reason I chose this site is, myspace hacks me off occasionally. I'm finding myself checking it less and less frequently!

Anyway, for the people who read this who have no idea who I am or what authority I have to say on anything, I'll take the time to give you a guided tour around who I am (still with me?)

My name is Adam Almond, I am a scriptwriting student at Bolton University. For someone of my age (21 as I write this) I am considered very culturally and socially aware . Rather than knowing a lot about a few things, I tend to know a little about quite a lot. Although there are some subjects on which I may hold more authority on than others, I can pretty much hold a conversation on most topics. While being, for the most part, very liberal and easy going, I am also quite opinionated on almost all topics, maybe that reads as passionate or just grumpy, maybe even a little intolerant.

This blog will take the form of articles covering many subjects, many directly linked to me, but a few may just come from left field, if I see or read something takes my fancy and I form an opinion I wish to express.

Basically a normal bog standard blog then.

Anyway this was only supposed to be a short introduction. Oh well, can't have it all can we? (You've stopped reading haven't you?)

1 comment:

Stuart Robinson said...

You forgot unemployed bum! but keep this up, should be interesting